Columbia University Steps

Columbia University Low Memorial Library Steps
School may be out for the summer, but Columbia University's Low Memorial Library steps are still seeing traffic.  For midday and midnight meanderers, these tiered steps offer a stunning view of Columbia's historic buildings and beyond.  If you're feeling school spirited, sit back with a copy of Sophocles or, if you're in complete summer mode, a copy of a certain new trilogy that hit the shelves this summer... In addition to generations of Columbia students and faculty finding study spots and friends on  the steps, the site is also historic, perhaps most notably for the 1968 campus protests.  The steps hold their place in movie history as well, serving as a set for films including Hitch and Hannah and Her Sisters. [Photo via] [Photos: Hitch via and Columbia 1968 Counter-commencement crowds on Commencement Day via]
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