"The Bourne Retirement" Filming in Midtown?

by SAMANTHA QUEEN · February 25, 2008

    bourneBrace yourself for yet another, random act of cinematic-quality violence: circa 2 p.m. last Friday, around 6th Ave. and 56th St., a gunman dragged a 50-yr-old man by his – get this – black duffle bag full of about $100k in cash, freshly withdrawn from a nearby bank. Oh, and our (presumed) antagonist multi-tasked, beating duffle bag man in the head with a gun as he dragged him past Starbucks (the obvious culprit for product-placement in any movie) and down the street. While this is disturbing, I am obviously amused by the theatrical quality. Because where else but in the movies do people withdraw $100k in cash and put it in a black duffle bag? Wait, maybe they were actually filming a movie? Because that can get confusing sometimes … Get the full story here.