The Gramercy Park's New Website, Giving False Hope To Reservationalists Everywhere

by Rachelle Hruska · May 15, 2008

    Gramercy Park HotelToday I discovered, via Nur Khan"s Facebook Page, that the Gramercy Park Hotel, has (finally) stepped things up a bit with their new website.  This was actually fitting timing as I was JUST trying to figure out how in the world it has happened that they haven"t filmed an episode of Gossip Girl at Rose Bar yet.  I mean, the characters practically live there in real life (along with everyone else that matters in NYC).  Seriously, what"s going on?  I"m going to put my guess on Rose Bar turning down the CW"s offers...which would make the most sense, because, if the show HASN"T looked into filming a scene or two here, we have bigger issues than we think my friends.

    Back to the website. A quick breeze through shows a lot of attractive pictures, a lot of quotes praising Ian Schrager, and: a Reservations Page (both for the hotel, and for the bars).  I can"t imagine how many emails they are going to get...and is it just a front? or will Rose Bar start allowing (GASP!) normal people to populate?  Doubtful, they have perfected the formula better than any place I can think of currently.  The effect it will have on poor Damien"s life out front is yet to be determined...