Introducing Our "Who Invited Him (Or Her)?!" Feature

by Rachelle Hruska · February 3, 2009

    [Who invited him?!]

    Sunday night, at the Super Bowl Party at the Plaza, our table was somewhat horrified at the sight of a girl that nearby, wearing a see-through tasselled shirt, bare belly hanging out above her low-rise jeans.  Let's just put it this way, she wasn't exactly dressed the part at the event, which could have been a substitute for a scene straight out of Gossip Girl.  "Who invited HER?" Andrew next to me exclaimed.  "Hey, what a funny title for a new feature on GofG!"  We loved the idea.

    Today's "Who Invited Him/Her" is of a partygoer that got a little too excited with the ladies and the hair gel last Friday night at Pink Elephant.

    Have a photo of someone that clearly wasn't part of the party plan?  Send it in, and we will put up as our days "Who invited Her/Him" feature.  We will do our best to conceal the identity of the perpetrator, giving them a chance to change their behavior and/or dress to redeem themselves should they ever be caught on film again.  But, word to the wise: More than one offense, you will be fully exposed (if you weren't already).