The Paris Review's Spring Revel

The Paris Review's Spring Revel
John Jeremiah Sullivan, Zadie Smith, Lorin Stein [John Jeremiah Sullivan, Zadie Smith, Lorin Stein] Where: Cipriani 42nd Street Who was there: Guests included Frederick Seidel, Lorin Stein, Uma Thurman, Zadie Smith, John Jeremiah Sullivan, Roz Chast, Ben Lerner, Emma Cline, Lydia Davis, Michael Hainey, Leann Shapton, Terry McDonnell, Gay Talese, Nan Talese, Isabel Fonseca, Martin Amis, Gary Shteyngart, Brandon del Pozo, Bill Franzen, Emily Cole-Kelly, Mercedes Martinez, Chris Weitz, Gemma Seiff, Euan Rellie, Lucy Sykes Rellie, Deirdre Foley Mendelssohn, Stephanie LaCava, Kedakai Turner, James Lipton, Jeffrey Eugenides, Cordelia Dietrich Zanger, Larissa MacFarquhar, Syrie Moskowitz, and Vera Szombathelyi. Other details: Last night, The Paris Review hosted its annual Spring Revel party at Cipriani 42nd Street. The event, colloquially known as "prom for intellectuals" had New York's finest literary talent in one room for cocktails, dinner, and discussion. The night began with bellinis and hors d'oeuvres as guests including Gary Shteyngart, Zadie Smith, Stephanie LaCava, and Gay Talese entered. Soon after, the crowd was seated and The Paris Review Editor Lorin Stein addressed the crowd. Though the speeches began on a somber note, with a moment of silence for co-founder Peter Mathiessen who passed away over the weekend, Roz Chast naturally had the crowd laughing when presenting Ben Lerner the Terry Southern Prize for Humor. Following the award presentations, dinner was served on tables charmingly decorated with Paris Review issues and a typewriter as a centerpiece. Euan and Lucy Sykes Rellie enjoyed conversation with producer, director, and event chair Chris Weitz and his wife Mercedes Martinez. GQ deputy editor Michael Hainey discussed the publishing industry and digitalization with Harper's editor Dierdre Foley-Mendelssohn and writer Zoe Heller. Before dessert came out, the room was quieted once more for the coveted Hadada Award, which was presented to poet Frederick Seidel for his contributions to literature. John Jeremiah Sullivan presented the award, but not before 3 of Seidel's poems were read by award-winning authors Zadie Smith and Martin Amis and actress Uma Thurman. Following the party, a handful of guests headed to a townhouse for the after-party, where they continued to enjoy cocktails and mingle in an intimate setting, capping off a stimulating and elegant night. Gay Talese, Nan Talese [Gay Talese, Nan Talese] Michael Hainey [Michael Hainey] The Paris Review's Spring Revel Edward Wilson, Mercedes Martinez, Chris Weitz, Lucy Sykes Rellie, Euan Rellie [Edward Wilson, Mercedes Martinez, Chris Weitz, Lucy Sykes Rellie, Euan Rellie] Gary Shteyngart [Gary Shteyngart] The Paris Review's Spring Revel The Paris Review's Spring Revel The Paris Review's Spring Revel [Photos via @guestofaguest]
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