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StyleCaster's 5th Birthday Party

StyleCaster's 5th Birthday Party

Leigh Lezark, Ari Goldberg

Where: The Jade Hotel

Who was there: Guests included Greg Krelenstein, Leigh Lezark, Geordon Nicol, Ari Goldberg, Greg Goldberg, David Goldberg, Elliott Sailors, Emily Grey, Danielle Bidegain, Sam Cross, Meghan Cross, Laura Rengel, Kimberly Mann, DeNelle O'Connor, Sarah Dalidowitz, Leah Bourne, Laurel Pinson, Spencer Cain, and Jonathan Stein.

[Photo: Leigh Lezark, Ari Goldberg]

Other details: Last night, StyleCaster family and friends celebrated the company's 5th birthday at The Jade Hotel. While guests inside sipped Qui tequila and rocked out to The Misshapes and MICK (formerly Mick Boogie), firemen stormed 13th street to check on the brand new boutique hotel's party. Though the firemen party crashers weren't entirely necessary (someone called the cops when he was told he had to wait in line!), the party hats and birthday cake inside were.

[Photos via BFA]

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