The Daily: "Who Invited Him?!"

by Chelsea Burcz · March 13, 2009

    cobrasnakeWill our mates from down under ever quit? The insanity never ends with The Cobrasnake! Case in point- this guy, he is definitely looking to party. Maybe its the heat that is triggering this lapse in judgment, but since when is it cool for men to rock purple tights under shorts!? Check out the pack of cigarettes stuffed into his waistband - it's easy access taken to a whole new level. Those Aussie men sure know how to dress to impress. Let's examine the evidence...

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    cobrasnake Suspenders seem to be the accessory of choice.

    cobrasnake Suspenders plus mullet wig = extra points for this guy.

    cobrasnake Ok, give it a rest with the suspenders, and WHERE DID EVERYONE'S SHIRTS GO?

    cobrasnake Wearing a sombero says "it's time to party."

    cobrasnake See?

    cobrasnake Don't own suspenders? No worries, just put on your party hat!

    cobrasnake Shark hat plus Hawaiian shirt, adding a little island flair I see.