Clean Energy Economy and Climate Justice

We love our state, and we want to keep it clean, (or in NYC’s case, clean it up a lot more!). We also want to keep Manhattan above water. Climate change is going to make that very hard.

Nixon wants to uphold the Paris Climate Accord and move to a 100% renewable energy economy by 2050.

Nixon vows to end any and all current and future investments in any new fossil fuel plants and begin punishing polluters. By holding the fossil fuel industry responsible for the air pollution they produce, she would like to make them pay - quite literally. Her plan is to use this revenue to invest in building renewable energy, protect communities from climate change, give rebates to New Yorkers towards their energy bills, and transition workers from the fossil fuel industry to clean energy jobs.

She also promises to block any offshore drilling directed by the White House. Lord knows we don’t need NY water to get any dirtier.

[Photo via @cynthiaenixon]

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