"There May Be Some Good Places To Go, But Not Great. Interesting, But Not Riveting. Pretty, But Not Professional With Attention To Detail. Hip, But Not Really Exclusive."

by Chiara Atik · December 9, 2009

    On the eve of the Paper Magazine Nightlife Awards, it's interesting to ponder: Is NYC nightlife all it's cracked up to be? One former Studio 54 bouncer doesn't seem to think so...

    The bouncer, who worked at Studio 54 all ten years and continues to work in the business today (hence his anonymity), is not at all impressed with the current state of nightlife in the city.

    We think nightlife here is pretty good, and certainly the best in the United States. But has nightlife, with all the bureaucracy the city requires of clubs and bars, with all the kow-towing to unhappy neighbors, and with the utter-lack of privacy in a twitter and cell-phone photo dominated world, taken a hit?

    Read our Anonymous Bouncer's opinion, and let us know what you think in the comments!