It's Hard To Look Cool At Internet Week

by Chiara Atik · June 10, 2010

    Internet Week is a week of non-stop photo ops for the Tech and Media crowd. The whole premise of the week is to make the internet industry seem cool through gadgets, parties, and events. But man oh man, do we have everything working against us in terms of taking a cool picture.-


    It's just really really easy to look like a dork at these events. We can't help it. Look what we're up against.

    It's hard to look cool while posing next to an ice sculpture of a packet of gum.

    It's hard to look cool while grinning and holding up your free swag.

    It's hard to look cool while wearing a magicians hat made out of foil.

    It's hard to look cool while posing next to a giant plate of fruit.

    It's hard to look cool while simulating fellatio. Wearing a crown. At an internet party.

    It's hard to look cool while sipping from blue plastic Tiki cups.

    It's hard to look cool while performing a random musical number at tech conference.

    It's hard to look cool while doing this...

    or this...

    Or this.

    It's hard to look cool while posing with a bag of Lays potato chips.

    [Additional photos via Nick McGlynn for RandomNightOut]