Rush Limbaugh Takes Us All Back To 1990s

by Rachelle Hruska · May 30, 2008

     [Photo via Urbanite]

    I, for one, am loving the time warp back to the "90s. As I stated months ago, the 1990s are making a fierce comeback, and not just in the fashion world...even our billboards are screaming "Bring back the "90s! Bring back the "90s!" Remember Rush Limbaugh? Well, his show only lasted for four years (1992-1996), but has been living on since then behind the relevant billboards above the Toys "R Us store in Times Square. And, apparently the last couple of days, these Limbaugh ads have gotten another chance to shine in the sun.

    Thank you to Curbed for pointing us to "90s billboard glory.

    [The "90s Are The New "80s]