Dating Someone Shady? This App Is Your Personal Private Investigator

by Christie Grimm · September 6, 2018

    Whether you're looking to conduct some serious recon on a significant other, or need to outsource a professional background check for work, Trustify is the godsend app that will connect you with your own personal, experienced, affordable Private Investigator.

    "People come to Trustify to find out if a new person in their lives or their loved one’s lives, is who they say they are. This can be a new nanny or a coach. It can also be a love interest, a business partner, or a new hire. People use us to find answers, and we help them find out the truth," says Co-Founder Daniel Boice.

    So how does it work? First, you can start off with a free consultation with a Case Advisor, who will then connect you with the best, appropriate PI in your area. Rates are done on an hourly basis, charging $99/hour with no retainers at a $50 service fee. And while every case is different and requires its own unique approach, cases are usually closed in between 10 and 15 hours - so really, it's quite a steal.

    No doubt you're probably a Grade A snoop (we like to fancy ourselves pretty talented as well), but your Instagram tricks and social media stalking techniques can only get you so far. "We hear a lot stories that start, 'my ex was a super sleuth and figured out that I was cheating, she should be a PI for Trustify,' but, it’s so much more than a little Facebook stalking. If you can sit in a hot car, on a 90 degree day, for 14 hours with no A/C, all while recording anything you can see in a window across the way every 15 minutes, then you’ve got a shot."

    Some things are better left to the professionals, no?

    [Photo via]