"Kell On Earth" Debuts, Kills Myth That PR Is Glamorous Dream Job

by Cary Randolph Fuller · February 2, 2010

    Kelly Cutrone's reality show debuted on Bravo last night, and while Andrew Mukamal certainly proved himself to be TV's new star and Kelly laid to rest any rumor that she possesses no soft spot, the show didn't exactly portray her office as the coolest in NYC.

    Will this mark the end of the era of the chic "PR girls"? Probably not, but it certainly brings them down to earth. Down to...Kell on Earth! But seriously, between desks drowning in paperwork, more than one pair of sweatpants, and all those exhausted faces, it was much easier to actually picture ourselves working with Kelly (and cowering in her presence) than we previously thought possible.

    [Go HERE for Photos From Last Night's Premiere Party At Tribeca Grand!]

    After all, this is the company that launched City girls Whitney Port and Olivia Palermo to fame. This is the  office in which it is not unheard of for hooker-with-a-heart-of-gold Ashley Dupre to come strolling in with her mom. Which leads to the next point: what was up with Ashley's "Yigal Loves Ashley" tee shirt idea? We're kind of disappointed that Kelly shot that down, as the ensuing drama would have given us a lot of material last Fashion Week.

    So what do we want to see in upcoming episodes? Let's all hope for a little more glam and fewer technological disasters. More Andrew the Assistant and his male model chasing and mesh tee shirts. More Ava! Fewer cluttered office scenes and more flashy parties and celebrity cameos and staff in-fighting. After all, this is reality TV. It shouldn't be so real!

    [Photo above via BravoTV.com]

    People's Revolution partner Robyn Berkley drowns in a sea of paperwork. [Photo via BravoTV.com]

    Top Five Quotes From Kell On Earth, Season One, Episode One

    "I don't want to dress up if I'm going to sit in the third row."

    ---Ava, Kelly's seven-year-old daughter

    "You're only a pill popper if you do it when you're not stressed out. During fashion week it's fine."

    ---Andrew S., account executive

    "There are a lot of really ugly people in New York."

    ---Andrew the Assistant

    "This is not group therapy, so get over it."

    ---Kelly Cutrone

    "I haven't worn make-up in three weeks."

    ---Stefanie Skinner, assistant account executive

    Below are photos from last night's premier party at the Tribeca Grand. Stay tuned for our party report!

    Robyn Berkley, Kelly Cutrone

    Simon Van Kempen, Alex McCord       Kelly Cutrone with daughter Ava, Andrew Mukamal, Stefanie Skinner

    Guests get cozy for premier screening of Kell On Earth.