Ugly Betty Filmed Under Brooklyn Bridge: What's Going On?

by EVAN MULVIHILL · July 21, 2009

    Patricia Field[Patricia Field, never far from a cigarette. All photos by Bauer Griffin.] Yesterday, some crafty photographer tracked down the latest filming location for the third season of Ugly Betty: down under the Brooklyn Bridge. It's kind of impossible to piece together what the hell is going on in the shots, especially because I don't personally watch the show, but I'll make some wild speculations, why not. Here's our plot line, starting with the thumbnail at right: costume designer Patricia Field approaches the set, cigarette in hand, ready to...

    America Ferrera ...costume Ugly Betty/America Ferrera as the Wicked Witch of the Far Eastern Flower Patch. Betty then...

    America Ferrera ...demands a fan to complete the Far East look, while...

    Models enjoy cameras ...her model friends pretend they're on MTV Spring Break. None of the characters know that...

    Becki Newton ...evil Becki Newton/Amanda Tanen has just arrived with a wacky plan to thwart Betty and the models...

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    Attacked by Hogwarts students on motorcycles ...attacking via motorcycle gang. Looks like a pretty good episode to me.