Today's Giveaway: Tickets To The MKG Launch Party!

by guestofaguest · July 13, 2010

    If you're looking for insight into throwing a supreme party, look no further than Tuesday night's office soirée and freakshow, when the branding and production firm MKG will be showing off its new space in Soho and welcoming clients, VIP's, celebrities, including Emmy-nominated actor Alan Cumming so SIGN UP NOW to win, and see below for details!

    Founder and president Maneesh Goyal is a firm believer in experiential marketing and is famous for throwing some of the biggest parties for clients including Coca Cola and P. Diddy. Goyal has a talented team of experts who know how to make lasting impressions on his guests and clients. This Tuesday night will be a rare opportunity to attend one of the summer's best parties but also to gain valuable knowledge behind marketing and production. Expect to have your socks knocked off.

    You can even kick it with Maneesh, who will be lounging in his keg-filled office. He runs a firm that knows how to brand. Steal some tips from him or just steal a drink.

    If you aren't today's winner, be sure and check out each day's Gift Bag giveaways in our newsletter. Besides the top stories and best events going on in NYC, we are giving you the chance to be a true Guest of a Guest with tickets or treats. Nothing could make us happier. Go HERE to sign up!