Eavesdropping In: American Apparel Continues To Be Skinemax of Retail, The Hipster Is Dead, "Mad Men" Get Boring

by BILLY GRAY · March 23, 2010

    American Apparel ranks world's best asses, pretends hipster customers even have them. [AA]

    Sorry, did I say hipsters? I meant fauxhemians. [Gawker]

    Beloved NYC street fashion photographer Bill Cunningham gets the documentary treatment. [ImperfectBeauty]

    Houston Street staple Cafe Colonial to bite the dust? [Grieve]

    Pulino's wine menu afforded same obsessive analysis as rest of restaurant. [Eater]

    Modern "Mad Men" skip three-martini lunches for salad and bottled water. No wonder commercials suck these days. [NYP]

    Joe Biden veers from script and drops F-bomb at press conference. Republicans feign outrage. [AlexBalk]