Eavesdropping In: Ladies Tears Are A Turn-Off To Men, Police Reopen Investigation Into Death Of Notorious BIG

by Mara Siegler · January 7, 2011

    Miracle? Bacteria appears to have broken down all the methane that spilled out of the Deepwater Horizon well in less than four months—even though the process should have taken years, according to one team of scientists studying the spill. [WaPo]

    Just weeks after Elizabeth Edwards passed away, the National Enquirer is reporting that John Edwards has proposed to Rielle Hunter. They broke the news that he cheated so they may have this right as well. Disgusting. [CBS]

    Police are reopening the murder investigation of Notorious BIG thirteen years after he was killed. Next up: Tupac? [CNN]

    Ted Williams, the homeless man with the Golden Voice, got a call from none other than Jack Nicholson asking him to be in a movie. "They're supposed to be making a movie in which Jack is playing opposite a disc jockey, which he would like me to portray in the movie." [ET]

    Tears won't sway your man, ladies. Researchers have discovered women's tears of sadness contain a chemical signal that's a big turn-off to men. [AP]