Eavesdropping In: Mick Jagger's SNL Promo, Finding Brides On Russian Facebook

by Courtney McGowan · May 17, 2012

    - Working for a website, you rarely see the light of day, so if pale is the new tan I am wholeheartedly behind this. [Buzzfeed]

    - Lithuanian photographer Tadao Cern has created Blow Job, a series of portraits of people being blown by extreme wind. As you can see, the result is somewhat terrifying. [LaughingSquid]

    - Take a gander at the uber-chic red carpet on opening night of the Cannes Film Festival 2012. [DailyBeast]

    - You thought you had it good with your iPhone 4S? How about a phone that lasts 15 years on a single AA battery? Your move, Siri. [Mashable]

    Mick Jagger + Kristen Wiig = my dreams realized. [Vulture]

    - Long gone are the days, of traditional, mail-order brides. According to Gawker, American men are using VKontakte, the Russian equivalent of Facebook, to find young, Eastern European wives. [Gawker]

    - Behold, the Anchorman 2 poster. [EW]