Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best...

by CHRISTOPHER CONFESSORE · February 25, 2009

    Just as we were done reading about the Moondance Diner's adventures in WY, we get a look at what's replacing it at "the corner of Sixth and Hell", the Grand Street Hotel [Curbed]

    Poster Boy Saga, Part Umpteen.  MoMA subway ads "redone" with the help (encouragement?) of the ad agency who created them.  And commenter HENRYM, who claims he's the same guy who is on trial, says it wasn't him [NYMag]

    Maybe we don't have to worry about our staycation hopes for Governor's Island.  Evidently there are plans to open the next Water Taxi Beach there. [Eater]

    Forget Slumdog. There are loads of thirtysomething women on the prowl in Mumbai.  Meet the Carrie Bradshaws of India [The Daily Beast]

    The Times got Punked by those little gold-digging DABA Girls. Along with half a dozen had been bankers [Buisness Insider]