Eavesdropping Is What Guests Do Best...

by MELLISSA SEECHARAN · July 7, 2009

    The hottest ticket in town is a funeral? Um, yes! Los Angeles gears up for the Michael Jackson Memorial. [NYT]

    Scores asks media whore Barbi Heidi Montag Pratt to strip. What a stretch. [Urbanite]

    Remember the days of driving down the highway, while a passenger hung out the window, belting out NWA's "F--k the Police" ? Well they're over. A 21-year-old LI woman was issued a summons for doing just that. [Newsday]

    The voice of radio, Casey Kasem, is calling it quits. [HuffPo]

    Don't hold your breath for season three of the Real Housewives of NY. With the exception of Kelly Bensimon, the women are holding out for more money. Now, that's not very lady-like. [NYDailyNews]