Most Elaborate Wedding Proposal Ever In Madison Square Park

by Chiara Atik · June 7, 2010

    This wedding proposal brought a tear to even our hardened, cynical eyes. This guy orchestrated a bona fide production number to pop the question to his girlfriend. Apparently he went to circus school? And is a filmographer? It's unclear.-

    All we know about the couple is that the guy's name is Woodrow (I know, right?) and his beloved is named Claudine.

    There's some choppy exposition at the beginning, including a complicated reason for Woodrow  to have cameras all around, but one minute into the video the show really starts.

    This guy managed to get like, a Broadway Chorus worth of backup dancers to join him in a number that included aerial lifts, costume changes, polaroid cameras, a mother-effing unicycle, and a Love Actually style "I Have Loved You Since The Moment We Met" confession on cue cards.

    She said yes, and they ran off in a horse-drawn carriage while the rest of New York stood rooted to their spots, mouths agape, hating her. (Just me? Cool.)
