T minus one hour...

by guestofaguest · May 25, 2007

    Fun Dip

    ...Until the long weekend that will officially mark the beginning of summer begins. The city is HOT and full of TOURISTS and after spending our lunch in the park getting jealous stsprayology_party.jpgares (probably because we had FunDip sticks in our mouths), we are BEYOND ready for an escape.

    Wanted to pass along a nice little hangover cure that we started using today as well that we found in our gift bag from the opening of the Cove Atlantis two weekends ago:This "Party Relief" from Sprayology is supposedly supposed to help prevent and revlieve alcohol-related discomforts. Though not sure if we"d buy on our own, we"ll take all the help we can get...it"s going to be a long weekend!