Everyone always assumes you're a model or athlete

People confusing me for a model or assuming I'm extremely athletic pisses me and my tall friends off so much! Well, some of my friends ARE models, did I not mention that before? But please stop referring to me as a model because my illustrious career offending people and making articles all about myself is far more rewarding than being an anthropomorphic clothes hanger. 

And don't even get me started on people assuming that I'm a world class athlete. I'm sure it's because I have a toned bod and an ass that refuses to quit. But this could not be further from the truth. I won the sportsmanship award for varsity field hockey and won "Underachiever of the Year" at a (tailgate for a) Yankees game (because I promised that I would rent a moonbounce for the occasion and the cops ended up shutting the whole thing down). Anyway, I may look like an Olympic gold medalist but I really only go to trendy workout classes to socialize.

[Photo via my best friend @gigihadid...Bella and I used to kick it but I always thought she was kind of a try hard and a poser. Then that "homeboy's gonna get it" vid went viral and that's when I distanced myself from her.]

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