Kudos To This Woman Who Wore Nothing But A Mask & Bikini To The Airport

by Stephanie Maida · September 3, 2021

    Vacation is really just a state of mind. And if you can pretend you're still on a beach drinking Mai Tais while going through the hellscape that is airport security, who are we to judge your methods? 

    Take, for example, this mystery woman who truly brought the beach vibes with her when she wore a straight-up bikini to the airport. 

    Sure, it absolutely breaks our "no shorts" rule when flying, and yes, it's literally making me queasy to think of that much skin touching an airplane seat, but hey, at least she wore a mask. 

    The Airport Bikini Bandit was spotted and shared on the Instagram account @HumansOfSpiritAirlines, where she quickly had social media users in an uproar. Some commenters, of course, had absolutely no problem with her choice in travelwear while others pointed out the obvious unpleasantness of getting plane germs where one never wants to get plane germs.

    On the bright side, she surely made some TSA agent's day better.

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