Submarine-Hopping, The New Yacht-Hopping In St. Barth's

by J. J. HUNSECKER · April 7, 2008

    Maltese Falcon

    The St. Barth's national past-time of yacht-hopping may be losing one of it's famous participants, the Maltese Flacon. But with every loss comes new beginning, and this beginning maybe a new St. Bath's past-time; Submarine-hopping! is reporting that Tom Perkins is looking to jettison his clipper ship for a cool $180 million dollars, roughly a $100 million dollars shy of its overall cost to Perkins. Why is Perkin's parting ways with his darling after less than two years? Because he is getting into submarines! What!? That's right, personalU-boats.

    In the past you had to be pretty slick to work your way onto Paul Allen's Octopussy, and Ron Perlman's little lady in Gustavia. But from now on, all bragging rights are going to be reserved for those who can get on the first U-boat!
