These days most millennials will consider a broad range of factors when considering a city to reside in, including living costs, how liberal a city is, the employment opportunities, as well as more fun aspects, such as nightlife (duh).

Recognizing this, apartment hunting website Nestpick analyzed 110 cities, taking four main concerns into consideration: Is there work available? Can you afford to live a good life? Is the city open and tolerant? And finally, can you have fun?

In its ranking, the company assigned a score for each city based on 17 "micro factors," including its immigration tolerance, gender equality, whether or not it's LGBTQ+ friendly, the state of the startup scene, as well as its beer and festival ranking.

Amsterdam took the top spot in Nestpick's 2017 ranking, but this year it crowned a new best city for millennials, so click through for the 10 cities where people under 30 want to live most right now.

Words by Rosie Fitzmaurice at Business Insider

[Photo via @todayshetravels]