"Your Fourth Birthday Party In Photos"

by guestofaguest · March 7, 1987

    Via my sister:

    Happy Birthday, Rachelle! In honor of today, your 26th birthday, I’ve re-capped your party in 1987. I’ve borrowed your trick of using Paintshop to point out the highlights:


    1.  You can’t tell from this scanned photo, but cousin Eric was leaning over your cake with a snotty nose and a case of the chickenpox.  Yummy.

    2.  You were wearing my old navy dress with white polka dots.  The red neck bow has been removed.  Good decision.

    3.  A new birthday dress (a Little House on the Prairie frock) made by Grandma Rita was hanging behind you.

    4.  I’m not sure what this expression means but it looks like you were daring the photographer to make you hold this position any longer.

    5.  William does look like me.

    6.  That digital watch rocked.

    7.  Your cake read “Happy Birthday Rachelle,” with the quotes included.  I’m not sure whom the cake is quoting.

    8.  It was Rainbow Brite.


    9.  Mom was wearing her puffy heart shirt.

    10.  There was a teal polka-dot shirt behind you that someone gave you as a gift (see number 24).

    11.  Mom put our hair in sponge curlers the night before.  My hair was pretty.


    12.  Remember that stuffed mouse?

    13.  And that scary fake fireplace with a face?

    14.  And those stuffed chickens sitting on their plastic eggs?

    15.  Did they add to your discomfort that day?  What was it exactly that made you so unhappy?…


    16.  Was it the fact that Eric was helping himself to a taste of your cake with his infectious finger?

    17. Or that Christopher had already nabbed one?

    18.  Or that all your boy party guests came wearing their overalls?  (C’mon, those were their dress-up pairs).


    19.  The plates and napkins were Pound Puppies.  Probably leftovers from my birthday party.

    20.  Aunt Jane was rocking the heavy black eyeliner look.

    21.  I never let the cake leave my sight.  Being the sister of the birthday girl meant I got to choose the second piece.


    22.  You chose Rainbow Brite’s head.  This brightened your mood considerably.

    23.  Apparently the poinsettas were still in bloom.  Instant party decorations.


    24.  You changed into your new shirt mid-way through the party.

    25.  It matched the teal bow you had already been wearing perfectly.

    The End.