You Should Know: Gabe Saporta

by guestofaguest · September 12, 2014

    Gabe Saporta

    Born in Uruguay, Gabe Saporta is the creative mastermind and lead singer of the synthpop band Cobra Starship.

    [You Should Know]

    More Gabe HERE.

    Gabe SaportaGabe SaportaGabe SaportaGabe Saporta [Shirt by Topshop, pants by John Varvatos, shoes by Converse]

    Occupation: Gabe Saporta Instagram/Twitter: @gabrielsaporta

    "Go big or go home."

    Gabe Saporta Questionnaire

    What do you actually do all day? Sleep

    Favorite song growing up? ODB-Baby Z Got Your Money

    Why do you live in NYC? Nobody expects or has time for an apology.

    Uber, Taxi, Subway, or Citi Bike? Uber: Drivers were never nice until they got 'rated.' Citi Bike: Best thing to happen to NY.

    My motto is... Go big or go home.

    The last drink I had was... Dirty martini on the rocks.

    My secret crush is... AndrewAndrew

    What was your first job? Employee at Hot Topic in high school (Which I got fired from for being too punk rock.)

    Coming from? Going to? Sleep, back to sleep.

    What is your favorite work of art? Bohemian Rhapsody

    Who should we know? TerRio!!!