People are expecting NOT to be spilled on at the Box these days?!

by guestofaguest · January 2, 2008

    demi kutcher

    In answer to our question posed months ago: "Is anyone still going to the Box?", it seems to be an affirmative. Famous craddle-robber Demi Moore and her lover Ashton caused owner Simon Hammerstein quite the stir up recently. Apparently, a dancer spilled their drink all over the couple and in today's Post, Simon's response to the incident was made public. In one little email he opened up a can of worms by both "privately applauding" whomever it was that had the balls (or fake boobs rather) to soak the pair, writing to general manager Javier as well as co-owner Richard Kimmel:

    "[Bleep] Ashton and Demi, they are so up their own arses . . . and they spend nothing, I can't stand those two, and I applaud whoever spilt a drink on them."

    However later, in the very same email he stated that he wants to make sure that publically, the culprit is chastised.

    "Richard, make sure you ream whoever did it."

    We can't decide if this is a lesson for all of us in today's digital age where every single thing you send across the web can and will come back to haunt you, or if it's just a publicity stunt by the organization that is slowly becoming an irrelevant fixture on the list of this city's "hot spots". Having read about this incident all over the web already (and it's not even noon), we are banking on the latter. Whatever the case, does anyone care? It's so true about famous people being cheap bastards and funny that it's stated right there in print by the man behind the scenes, stunt or not. Oh not to mention: who hasn't been spilled on by some tranny in tights at The Box?! Who do these people think they are? Some Divine Untouchables?!