We've been tracking Matt Kliegman and Carlos Quirarte for quite some time now and their newest nightclub project, a hipster strip club called Westway. Given the recent opening of the joint and buzz generating on that front, we'd like to investigate the ingenuity of this improbable hybrid.
The owners of the Smile, a hip downtown hangout, and operators of the Jane Ballroom have an interesting model in their newest venture that puts at odds two antipodal spheres: the ironical quality of hipsterdom with the bro-ho aura of a strip joint.
T posted an article online for which the two provide a laundry list of New York favorites and list their dream strippers (Angelina Jolie for Kliegman and Michelle Monaghan for Quirarte).
The name of the club itself comes from an abortive project some 30 years ago that would turn the West Side Highway into a park with an underground highway ensconced beneath. This allusive connection makes Westway a sort of garden of earthly delights
[Image via NYTimes]