[All photos by PATRICK MCMULLAN for PMc]. Andre Balazs is really becoming NYC's sweetheart. With the explosion of the Boom Boom Room, he is basically sitting back and letting the stars swarm around his Standard Hotel. This Saturday he had a party at the bar, well, just cause. Naomi Watts, Griffin Dunne and Patrick McMullan stood out among the banquettes of beautiful people, but there is one girl about which we're especially curious. A tipster tells us that the hotelier was spotted after this soiree, around 4:30 in the morning, walking down Broadway with a slim, cigarette smoking brunette clad in black. Just a stroll? Maybe, but we don't hold hands with our friends...
Andre Balazs
Griffin Dunne, Naomi Watts, Jason Weinberg
Patrick McMullan, Edwidge Bellmore
Pernilla Fransander, Gavin Doyle
Garine Zerounian, Flabia Selson
Andrew Urankar, Shea Gipson, Alex Urankar
Henry Binge, David Bachar
Julian Gross
John Keaton
Liv Odegard, Cole Miller
Jesse Cohan , Tom Daly, Christina Albina
Brooke Neidich, Dan Neidich, Jon Neidich
Oscar Roudlom , Carl Lindeman, Carla Collado
Hylda Quellay