Drinks for Sunny Days

There exists an array of candy-colored drinks that appear with hot, sunny days. Sipped most often on an outdoor terrasse by patrons of any age or gender, their bright colors rely on an array of sugary syrups that are beloved in France. Note: Cold drinks are usually served chilled without ice—or, if you insist, you’ll receive only one or two cubes. “Don’t drink things that are very cold,” warns Alain. “You’ll get a stomach ache.”

Monaco: Served in a pilsner glass, this hot pink drink combines light beer, lemon soda (like Sprite), and a shot of grenadine syrup.

Tango: Light beer with grenadine syrup.

Panaché: Half beer, half lemon soda.

Valse: Light beer with mint syrup.

Diabolo: A nonalcoholic drink of lemon soda and the syrup of your choice. To order, combine the word “diabolo” with your preferred flavor; for example, “diabolo menthe” would be lemon soda and mint syrup. Standard syrups include blackcurrant (cassis), lemon (citron), strawberry (fraise), mint (menthe), and grenadine.

[Photo via @sibok]

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