Freddie Fackelmayer is most well known for being the fictional, short-lived boyfriend of MTV reality star Whitney Port. Originally Fackelmayer is from London, England and after moving to the United States he lived in Greenwich, Connecticut. Prior to becoming famous for being Port\'s beau, he worked at CB Richard Ellis conducting business in New York commercial real estate. His notoriety sky rocketed after appearing on the MTV reality show \"The City\". He stars in the first season as Port\'s new love interest after breaking up with musician Jay Lyon .

In the episodes he appears in, Fackelmayer continuously shocks viewers. First, when going out on one of their first dates, he surprises Port with his father tagging along to their dinner. The relationship between Fackelmayer and port seems extremely promising after this meet the parents date. However things take a quick turn after Port and friends Roxy Olin and Samantha Swetra spend a \'Weekend at Freddies\'. While at the Fackelmayer\'s Hamptons home, Freddie\'s younger brother reveals to Port that Freddie has a girlfriend! Fackelmeyer infidelty couldn\'t make up for his attractive Ken barbie looks.

He hasn\'t been spotted much besides \"The City\" until recently when he hosted a party for Mandy Coon. 
