How Web 3.0 Should Work...

by AMANDA MELILLO · May 13, 2008

    g185-150x123I have a confession: I am an Internet junkie. Like many bloggers, I spend hours a day staring at a glowing screen, perusing countless sites and blogs. If I need an answer to any question, I Google it. If I've never heard of something but need the information fast, I look it up on Wikipedia. Friends have gone so far as to call me an addict. So when I think about what Web 3.0 will bring, I want to know: How will it speed up the process so I can spend less time in front of a computer?

    Just as I'm slowly getting used to the idea of Web 2.0, in which everything is ever-changing and constantly updated, which basically means it sucks your life away, some tech geeks are talking about Web 3.0—the search engine functions of the future in which your Internet will act as your personal assistant, keeping track of your favorites and preferences, so that one day you may be able to ask the question, "What theater is showing the new Wes Anderson film and where can I go for Thai food in the area afterwards?" So on a day when two of the city's major newspapers ran articles on Websites That Make Our Searching Easier (which is just lazy reporting in my opinion—they should be out on the streets bringing news to me so I know what's going on outside while I procrastinate by searching for these websites myself) I began to think of how Web 3.0 should work:

    1.) First of all, it will be all hand-held and there will be wireless access everywhere. Even underground. That way I can feel like I interact with the real world more.

    2.) It will sort through the hundreds of items that come through my Google reader every day and pick out the things that I will actually read. If there are 10 posts on the same topic, it will only show me one. This way I will have time to read about news that is actually going on in the world.

    3.) Websites that stalk your friends will get more advanced. Example: websites like Spock can dig through Internet pages and find ones about your friends, exes, new crushes, etc. etc. or Spokeo can show you what your friends are posting on what websites, up to the minute—but that's not good enough. One of my good friends is a Jedi master of Google stalking, and can find out with just a name and one other random piece of information what high school you went to, essays you wrote, awards you won and scholarships you received. When sites designed to stalk people can start doing that, then I will be impressed.

    4.) And while we're talking about friends, it will remind me when I haven't responded to a friend's e-mail for more than two weeks after it got lost in my inbox.

    5.) Additionally, every time a friend is shocked about a movie I haven't seen that is on everyone's to-see list, it will automatically add it to my Netflix queue.

    6.) It will keep track of my music tastes and suggest new artists I might like, or the newest songs on the radio that I can try out on the Web for free—since I never turn on the radio, am woefully behind the times (see above), will not buy music unless I know I like it, and should move past the 90's in terms of the music I listen to.

    7.) It will keep me updated on when my favorite clothing stores get new items in. Better yet, it will keep track of the clothes I like and what fits my body type and show me only those.

    8.) It will sift through job search engines and let me know matches in terms of what I want to do AND what I'm qualified for.

    So, Internet geniuses—can you do this? And readers—how can Web 3.0 make your life better?