The Hot New Accessory Sure To Up Your Pokémon Go Game

by Jane Ninivaggi · July 14, 2016

    Following the recent Pokémon Go phenomenon, Nintendo has announced that they are releasing an accessory to the game that will make users more antisocial than ever before. Hey - don't hate the player, hate the game.

    Pokémon Go Plus is a small wearable device with a Poké Ball light at its center that connects with one's smartphone via bluetooth. It will alert gamers of nearby Pokémon, Pokéstops, and allow them to throw Poké Balls without having to look at their phone. In other words, users will be able to play Pokémon at literally all times. At work? Pokémon. Fighting with your significant other? Pokémon. Trying to pretend you're not simply a dysfunctional millennial incapable of 'adulting'? Pokémon.
    What would the hottest new accessory be if not visible to the general public at all times?

    Luckily, Pokémon Go Plus can be worn as an über chic bracelet, as well as clipped onto either a shirt or belt (expert points for your steering wheel). Hell - why not just clip it to your engagement ring and give the people what they really want. In the words of Beyoncé, "If you like it, then you should put a Pokémon on it."

    Pokémon Go Plus comes out at the end of July for the small price of $34.99 and your dignity. Play on. 

    [Photo via @toofaced]