Rachelle's Reading List, Friday, Nov. 5th, 2010

by Rachelle Hruska · November 6, 2010

    Stanley and I have been on important business as of late, which is why this reading list is just getting out now. Perfect for you to devour over your weekend coffee don't ya think? Below, what I have had my eye on today...

    1. The NYC Marathon. Social Networking during the Marathon is dangerous! Runners, think twice before you get on foursquare, Twitter, and the like. [NYDN] Everyone else? It's a GREEEAT way to keep track of those runners! Here is a very conclusive guide to cheering at the NYC marathon this weekend. [Tumblr]

    [Map of 2010 Marathon]

    The 53 Runners' Commandments [Joe Kelley]

    2. 50 reasons to be pretty damn euphoric you live in NYC. [Village Voice]

    3. Conan O'Brien sends a special message to our friends over at Tumblr:

    [Via Tumblr Staff]

    4. Facebook is taking over the location based game, closing in on Foursquare. [CNET] But, are they giving away free cars yet? [The Awl] (I don't thiiiink so!)Does any of this really matter? No one is apparently using location services anyway. [NYT]

    5. The New Muppet Movie. I can not wait for this movie to come out. This week's Entertainment Weekly has the first photos of Jason Segel hanging out with his stars. The movie is set to hit theaters December 25th, of 2011. [Jodilyn]

    6. What Movie should you go and see this weekend? Check in on what's opening up in theaters tonight. [Defamer]

    7. Jones Soda's latest flavor? Bacon flavored soda! It's kosher and okay for the vegetarians to gobble down too! Disgusting or best thing ever? [Gothamist]

    8. Blair's "shoe cookies" from this week's Gossip Girl are available for purchase at [Eleni's]

    [Via theviesociety]

    9. How to have a great first date. [Jezebel]

    10. President Obama will be on 60 Minutes this Sunday discussing his leadership failures. [CBS]

    11. Wikileaks is so 2009. The new document leaking game in town? Cryptome. [WSJ]

    [Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks. The "ass" is for "bad ass"]

    12. Football is socialism [The Awl]

    13. The Rise of Power Vegans. The newest rage amongst the millionaire CEO. [Bloomberg]

    14. Femme Fatale. Stacy Schiff penetrates an ancient thicket of personalities and propaganda to reconstruct the Macedonian-Egyptian queen Cleopatra in all her ambition, audacity and formidable intelligence. [NYT]

    15. Bread People. "Bread People is a service that provides pictures of bread celebrities for you to look at." Eh. why not? It's Friday: [BreadPeople]

    That's all for me today, good luck to all you runners out there! Do you have something I should include in Monday's reading list? Email me! Rachelle@guestofaguest.com!

    [Wednesday's List]