Remembering AREA: The Golden Years of Nightlife

The Golden Years of NYC Nightlife: Remembering AREA.
AREA nightclubI wasn't old enough to experience the magic that was AREA - the club that only lasted a short years but that for many will always be THE reference point for New York City nightlife's golden moment - but I can't wait to help celebrate it's GENIUS tomorrow night. Eric Goode and his sister Jennifer Goode will be celebrating and remembering their creation, which NY Mag has called "The Hottest Club In Town" tomorrow night when scores of OG nightlife veterans will meet up at the Hole Gallery on the Bowery to check out their new book consisting of photos, letters and other memorabilia, called Area: 1983-1987. Later, they will take the party across the street to the Bowery Hotel, the hotel Goode co-owns with *Sean MacPherson. Check out these photos from Area's glory days in NY Mag today: HERE Madonna, Eric GoodeArea Nightclub potential list of investors [Madonna, Eric Goode (l), A list of "potential investors" (r)] -Eric Goode on Area: “The criteria for entry was not based on wealth. If there was a limo, it was a bad thing.” -Guests included regulars like: Andy Warhol, Jean Michel Basquiat, Madonna, Ed Koch, Bianca Jagger, Grace Jones, Sting, Keith Haring, Malcolm Forbes, Boy George...the list goes on... -"The club, unlike any that came before it, underwent a painstaking transformation roughly every six weeks, with themes like Confinement, Suburbia, and Science Fiction that incorporated elaborate art installations with taxidermied bears, live monitor lizards, and enemas." [NYMAG] *Full disclosure, Eric Goode's partner Sean MacPherson is married to the writer (me). [Photo via]
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