Trending Today: Poking fun at the incredibly large self esteems of the Millennials

Trending Today: Poking fun at the incredibly large self esteems of the Millennials. Check out this hilarious SNL skit from the weekend titled "You Can Do Anything!" [Dailydot] If you are reading this and you were born in the year1982 or after, you missed the cutoff for inclusion into that category of aimless Generation X'ers, and therefore will probably get lumped into a categorization that forevermore will only serve to classify you as a crybaby. Sure there are the prodigys of the Generation Y Millennials, the Zuckerbergs and the like; but by and large, this generation's resounding cries are being heard on therapists couches around the world. They go something like this:
"I feel lost, I just don't know what I should be doing to satisfy my true inner passions." "Money doesn't matter to me, I just want to make something cool and be relevant to society.' "Oh my parents? They are the best. They totally support whatever I want to become." "Yeah I mean, I like living at home, it would just be nice to get an internship that paid at least enough for me to contribute in someway, you know? Like maybe it would be better if I could at least afford to pay my parents for my cell phone bill by the time I'm 30 or something."
Okay, a little over dramatization. But really, this "me generation" trend of poking fun at the ramped up self esteems of the Millennials is showing up all over the place, and will no doubt continue.
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