Rachelle's Reading List, Wednesday, Feb. 16th, 2011

by Rachelle Hruska · February 16, 2011

    Madoff speaks for the first time from prison, Obama kisses Maya Angelou and Monopoly goes digital. Plus, the best from the "Best in Show," a granny that stands up for her gay son, and a really talented SEO rapper. Today is full of fun!

    1. From Prison, Madoff speaks and says "Banks had to know" of fraud. It was his first interview since his arrest and writer Diana Henriques broke the story for the Times. "They had to know. But the attitude was sort of, 'If you're doing something wrong, we don't want to know."[NYT] Even though the post tried to pass it off as their own story today by not citing the original source (NYT). [NYP] So uncool, NY Post!

    2. The New Monopoly. There's no dice, no money, and no cheating. There is an all-knowing tower with a computer and speaker that runs the games and keeps track of all of the money. I'm so NOT buying the new Monopoly. [NYT]

    3. Apple laid out a new subscription service for digital content sold through the iPad and iPhone, but in turn, set up a battle with media companies that are saying the restrictions stack the cards too much in Apple's favor. [WSJ]

    4. President Obama kisses poet and author Maya Angelou after giving her the 2010 Medal of Freedom in the East Room of the White House yesterday: [apsies] 15 others received Medals including Celtics Legend, Bill Russell. [Boston]

    5. Google's Eric Schmidt thinks wireless transactions, enabled by the coming wave of Android smartphones outfitted with near-field communication technology, could turn into a serious business for the company. [NYT]

    6. The Lion's catty boys: The claws come out for Dan and Dave. This story in the Observer is seriously the equivalent of reading about a fight going on in my Junior High School, if my school had a newspaper to even care about our frivolous and immature feuds. [NYO]

    7. Arrested Development creator Mitch Hurwitz's guide to getting a sitcom canceled. [Guardian]

    8. The SEO Rapper. This guy is funny (and spot on)! [Videogum via Cajunboy]


    9. The Observer published this expose on Huffington Post's Kenneth Lerer titled "From Mudslinger to Maverick! The Transformation of Kenneth Lerer." [Observer]

    This made son, Ben, peeved: [@BenjLerer]

    10. The Grand Champion Foxcliffe Hickory Wind (left) won "Best in Show" at the 135th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show yesterday. The dog, known as "hickory" is a Scottish Deerhound and has won 14 other "best in Show" titles. [NYT] Check out the best of breed's here: [NYT]

    11. Need a condom? There's an app for that. The NYC health department on Monday unveiled a smartphone application that will help users locate the nearest place in the area giving out free condoms. [Reuters]

    12. Watch this incredibly moving video of an 80 year old Iowan grandmother speaking in favor of gay marriage and her gay son.


    13. Lance Armstrong officially retires after finishing 65th in his last competitive race in Australia. [AP]

    14. Women across Italy stage massive protests: "The Sexism is Intolerable" they say. Approx. one million women demonstarted in more than 230 cities and towns across Italy on Sunday. The women included nuns and prostitutes. Many banged on pots and pans. The women called for an end to the deeply misogynistic male-dominated aspect of their culture. [Guerillawomen]

    15. This is really brilliant. "Stop cruel treatment of unused domains!" "Premature domain acquisition for absolutely manic reasons is common and easily solved." Give them to Zach Klein's students to adopt them! And thank you for doing this small part to help add value to the Internet! [ZachKlein]

    16. The infamously gritty Chelsea Hotel is now selling donuts. [Times]

    17. Banksy has been spending some quality time in Los Angeles. Lauren Conrad of all people was the first to spot out this new Crayon Boy: [Wooster]

    18. Lady Gaga says she spent 72 hours in the egg, pre-Grammys. She told Ryan Seacrest that "It was a very creative experience. A time for me to really prepare and think about the meaning of the song." [Today]

    19. Terence Koh, left, performing at Mary Boone Gallery. nothingtoodooterencekoh will run through March 19th. [Purple]

    20. An old man survives on windshield wiper fluid in the desert. 84-year-old Henry Morello was stranded in the Arizona desert for five days when his car stuck in a ditch. With no cell phone he used a napkin to filter the fluid and used floor mats as blankets before being rescued by hikers. [AZcentral]

    21. This photo of the Obamas back in the day is sooo cute! [MikeHudack]

    22. Quick Cite the app. Being a student just got easier: new app makes comp9ilin a Bibliography as simple as a scan. Man I wish I had this in college! [Fast Company]

    23. Check out these really great photos from backstage at the shows from Grandlife: [Grandlife]

    24. David Remnick and Malcolm Gladwell were talking about college rankings and social media and social change last night at Joe's Pub. Here's the video:

    Well, that's all for me today. Do you have something to include in tomorrow's list? Email me! Rachelle@guestofaguest.com.

    [Tuesday's List]