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The Three Sensational Species of Cannabis

Many Sativa strains have uplifting and ‘head high’ effects that can be great for an active
lifestyle or staying engaged during social situations.

Indica strains are the typical ‘couch lock’ or low energy strains that have high-analgesic or pain relieving effects. Additionally, indicas are very good for stress and insomnia usually allowing the user to lower their heart rate and have a general feeling of relaxation.

Hybrid strains are a mixture, in different percentages, of a sativa and an indica. These
kinds of strains can vary in their effects quite significantly. Always do your research or
ask your local dispensary about what strain is right for you.

**Warning - Please enjoy alcohol responsibly. Mixing cannabis and alcohol can be enjoyed
responsibly - in all seriousness know your limits and be careful. That being said, let’s dive in and look at the best cannabis and booze combinations.  

[Photo via @everything__weed]

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