Instagramming a picture of yourself looking like you're pushing over the Leaning Tower of Pisa is so juvenile. Trying to make the Buckingham Palace's stoic guards laugh is gauche. Standing in a line for what feels like forever to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre is so not worth it because it's actually so small IRL you can barely see it. Engaging in the quintessential tourist activities is lame, and what better way to see the sights than through the eyes of a hot guy whose smile is equally as enchanting as his accent? If you learned anything from those Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movies you watched during your childhood, you know the best way to experience a new country is to see it on the back of motorbike with your spring fling. Here are some tips to reel in a handsome bachelor abroad who can double as a boy toy and a tour guide!

[Photo via @andrew_bayda]