Best $2K I Ever Spent! Coolio Turns Eden Into A 90's Gangster's Paradise

by Sophie Pyle · April 2, 2012

    Coolio was spotted in DC this weekend, hosting Eden Lounge's monthly "Saved by the 90's" party. Despite his recent arrest in Las Vegas, Coolio partied with fans and sipped bottles of Moët Chandon. The party went down on Saturday night with Night Life Agency.

    Later in the night, Coolio performed his 1996 Grammy winning hit "Gangster's Paradise" in Eden's Green Room.

    @ana_isabel247 tweeted:

    Coolio is in the club what what #Eden

    Nightlife Agency wants 90's fanatics to [VOTE] for the next 90's host!



    [Gangster's Paradise at Eden]

    [photo credit: Ali Skooti]