Isabel Toledo Book Signing At The Corcoran

by Julia Rhault · June 15, 2012

    Go HERE for more Instagrams from this event by Julia Rhault!

    Isabel Toledo, best known as the designer of Michelle Obama's lemongrass dress and coat for President Obama's Inauguration, was in Washington last night to sign her book Roots of Style with Isabel Toledo. The discussion, moderated by Robin Givhan, famous Pulitzer Prize fashion critic and author, focused on Isabel's creative process and working with her husband, Ruben.

    Guests sipped on wine and nibbled on hors d'oeuvres while they waited their turn in line. The night was sponsored by the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Corcoran College of Art + Design, and the Fashion Group International®of Greater Washington, DC.

    [RHODC's Lynda Erkiletian] [Isabel Toledo]