Jayne Sandman

Jayne Sandman Age: 33 Hometown: Newton, MA Your Hood: U Street (for two more weeks, then off to Tenleytown) Position: Principal (in charge of Events and Marketing) How long have you lived in DC? 16 years Favorite thing about working in PR? Barbara Martin What’s your favorite local spot in your neighborhood? Blind Dog Café has the best cookies and the best coffee, two things I love. Describe your personal style. Alexander McQueen meets Olivia Pope Favorite restaurant or dining spot? Sidecar at P.J. Clarke’s for lunch, Bar 515 for after work cocktails and CityZen for special occasions…and I think a lot of occasions are special! Favorite place for a shopping spree? All of my favorites are within a block of our office! Wink, Rag & Bone, Barneys, Frye, Billy Reid. If we tagged along on a Friday night out, where would we find you? At a concert at 9:30 or Howard Theatre. Name one thing in your closet that you can’t live without. Sky-high stilettos. How would the other girls at BrandLink describe you in 2 words? The boss.
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