Wait, You Don't Need To Spend A Ton Of Moolah To Work Out?!

by Grace Gilbert · January 14, 2014

    Your New Year resolutions to spend less, save more and to get in shape do not have to be mutually exclusive. While gym memberships can boast exorbitant price tags, all hope is not lost! Recently, Shape released an article discussing the "most convenient workouts". Basically, incredible workouts that are all online and so cheap considering the going rate for our favorite classes.

    For these online sites, the average cost was $20 a month for unlimited access to all videos, recipes, meal plans and more - perfect for any Insanity or P90X lovers.

    Of course, there were some highlights we thought would appeal to our readers.  For instance, Dailyburn.com features videos ranging from 15 to 60 minutes and workouts from dance to cardio-weight training.  For $10 a month you can reshape your body and your routine.

    Buti Yoga was another standout to me since it doesn't require any equipment except a yoga mat (which, let's be honest, can easily be substituted by your beach towel). There are different options for memberships that allow you to ease into the program and test out what you like.  A great way to relax after a stressful day or work some neglected muscle groups, Buti has a little something for everyone.

    These workouts suit the busy lifestyle without emptying your wallet.  Whether you're working towards your best bikini body or simply fulfill the annual resolution to get in tshap, these workouts offer no muss, no fuss ways to get in shape.  It's time.  All you need is your computer, a sports bra, spandex shorts (personal decision) and you are set to go!

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