Favorite Apple Products Of Washington Socials

by Sophie Pyle · October 7, 2011

    I wish I could say I heard the news of Steve Jobs' passing from my iPhone, but I actually heard it on the radio on my drive after the Brooks Brothers opening party. I did immediately tweet a sorrowful tweet from my iPhone, and later, I used my iPad2 to surf the Web for Capital Chatter bites before going to sleep.

    Am I addicted to Apple products? Maybe, but I'm not alone. Here are the favorite Apple products of some of Washington's socials:

    Reed Landry, co-founder of LateNightShots.com and nightlife hotspot George of DC:

    The night before I left for college I went to the computer store and the only thing left on the shelf was a pink iMac. It was a great computer and made for a really awkward four years.

    Lynda Erkiletian, RHODC star and president of T.H.E. Artist Agency:

    My iPad, but I'm still waiting for Verizon iphone.

    Ashley Taylor, socialite and agent for Washington Fine Properties:

    I love everything apple. Macbook, iPhone, iPod etc. I would have to say my favorite product is the iPhone and I'm kinda obsessed with the yelp app because I yelp everything.

    Tara de Nicolas, Fashion for Paws Director:

    My iPod!

    Kate Marie Grinold, Miss DC 2008 and FairFund Director:

    My favorite Apple product is my pink shuffle. I can toss it in my purse or clip it on for a run without the hassle and discomfort of those tragic iPod armbands.

    Krista Johnson, Ella Rue:

    I am going to start with the iPad this Christmas and finally get rid of my blackberry with an iPhone!

    Barbara Martin, BrandLink DC Director:

    Well, we only had one upgrade on our phone plan this quarter, so Jayne got the iphone. So my answer is "Jayne's iphone."

    Jayne Sandman, BrandLink DC Director:

    My iPhone.

    Katherine Kennedy, socialite and Availor Philanthropy Director:

    I was going to say Apple Cider Donuts... but seriously, my apple TV Grant just got me! I'm looking forward to sharing cold winter nights with a bottle of good bordeaux with this gadget.

    Angie Goff, NBC Weekend Anchor:

    FaceTime! I do it everyday so [Angie's daugher] Adora can see her grandparents and dad throughout the day!

    Will Rabbe, social and television producer:

    My Mac Pro is a monster that can do the heavy lifting when a MacBook or iMac can't.

    Lindsey Becker, DC Modern Luxury:

    The iPad is definitely my favorite Apple product because not only is it great for personal use, but I also utilize it for client meetings to display all of our Modern Luxury publications.

    Heather Downen, Venga employee, got her iPad as a gift from her beau Ryan Zimmerman:

    Love using the NetFlix app on my iPad to catch up on tv shows and watch movies anywhere!

    Nikki Schwab, Examiner Yeas & Nays columnist:

    I love my iPad - it makes me look fancy and I can write my column on it on the go.

    Sent from my iPhone

    Erin Korte, co-president of the Madisons:

    My favorite Apple product is my iMac desktop....so elegant!

    Josie Taylor, co-president of the Madisons:

    I'm still a blackberry gal but my ipod soundtrack keeps me dancing through my busy days!

    Fritz Brogan, of Mason Inn and VP of the Capital Club:

    My IPAD. It's indispensable while traveling.

    Mary Amons, RHODC star and Labels for Love founder:

    My favorite apple product is my iPhone4. My kids accuse me of loving it more than them!  Its so great to have the ability to capture fun family moments on the go as well as tweet and get my work done!  I'm lost without my iphone4!

    Tamara Gill, CEO of Lovii Brand:

    My favorite Apple product is my mini office, the iPhone.

    Kelly Ann Collins, Glittarazzi blogger:

    I'm a huge wimp, so when I found the MacBook Air (which is a slim 2.3 pounds, versus six or seven pounds), I was ecstatic. It was like, I can carry a laptop everywhere now -- without hurting myself! I've taken it everywhere from Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and the Caps' locker room to the White House and the Iowa Straw Poll!

    Samir Kapadia, Georgetown social:

    FaceTime. My Sundays just aren't the same without an iPad to iPhone video conference with George Foulard.