Oh My Goff! Angie's Having A Baby...

by MADELEINE STARKEY · August 17, 2010

    Well, we already knew she was pregnant.  We don't care how well Angie Goff dresses, or how strategically she positions her purse--the lady is five months along and she simply cannot hide it anymore.  Then again, she's not so interested in hiding anything about this pregnancy.

    She's keeping her friends, family and followers up to date on the whole process.  Yesterday, Angie even found out whether her little monster is a boy or a girl:

    Hooray for girls!  They're better, anyway.

    Not only are her cohorts over at Channel 9 making sure the public is up to date on Angie's progress, but she's blogging about her pregnancy on MomsLikeMe.com, a website for DC moms and moms-to-be.

    Congrats to Angie and her man.