Bristol Palin Increases Her Fame Quotient By Joining Dancing With The Stars

by MADELEINE STARKEY · August 27, 2010

    ...Or maybe she's just digging herself deeper into the pathetic pit that is her life.  Bristol Palin is one of those unfortunate souls who's famous for all the wrong reasons.  Like Heidi Montag, Lindsay Lohan, or Bernie Madoff.

    The new DWTS season premieres September 20, and Bristol's DWTS compatriots will include The Situation, David Hasselhoff, Audrina Patridge and Brandy.

    While none of this is technically official yet, E! says the real deal cast announcement will be this coming Monday.

    Dear Bristol,

    Could you PLEASE have an affair with David Hasselhoff and get pregnant?!!? It would make our year.  Thanks so much!

    Hopefully her DWTS television appearances won't be as painful as her stint on Secret Life of the American Teenager: