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Take a Class Together!

Buy you and your bridesmaid a gift card to a cooking class, yoga class, pottery class, trapeze class, etc.- depending on what she's into. Even if you would rather do a Soul Cycle class than a yoga class, do yoga if it's her thing - it shows how much you appreciate her. No matter what you’re doing, you two are sure to have a great time. If you choose cooking, buy her a chef’s hat or include a bag of cookies. If you choose pottery, buy cute smocks for the two of you! If you choose yoga, get her a lulu lemon headband. You get the gist. Here are a few ideas for classes to take in New York: Classic Italian cooking at Rustico Cooking Yoga taught by some of the best at Yoga Shanti Make art together at Lamano Pottery [Photo via @jolsonnyc]
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