The End Of An Era: Man Repeller Is Shutting Down

by Stephanie Maida · October 22, 2020

    Following a summer of media reckonings regarding racial inequity which led to founder Leandra Medine Cohen "stepping back" from her role as Editor In Chief, as well as a recent rebrand of the company (they dropped the "Man"), Repeller, as it is presently called, is reportedly shutting down after a decade of defining dress-for-yourself style.

    According to Business of Fashion, Medine Cohen made the announcement to current staffers over a Zoom call on Monday. She confirmed the news in a statement to The Cut, saying, "I am confirming that Repeller, formerly Man Repeller, is ending operations and offering employees severance pay."

    While the site, famous for its quirky, albeit high-end fashion peddling and unique brand of personal essay, had faced criticism for its lack of diversity and treatment of POC employees in recent months, Medine Cohen cites financial woes as the reasoning behind the decision to close up shop, telling The Cut, "The company has been self-funded by its operations since its launch ten years ago as a personal blog but due to financial constraints, we are no longer able to sustain the business."

    RIP, "Repeller." Thanks to you, we'll never look at a stick of butter the same way again.

    [Photo via Getty]